Zach Empson


empson_zachZach, a current grade 11 Vimy Sport Rec Program student-athlete, has been enrolled in the program since first attending Vimy Ridge in Grade 7. Zach currently plays high school Basketball and earned his black belt in Taekwondo when he was in Grade 7. Zach’s favorite sport that he has tried since entering the program was fencing.

Zach also plays a large role in the Student Leadership Program here at Vimy. He’s been involved in helping organize many of the school events such as the Week of Welcome and the 8 day Spooktacular. He has also represented Vimy at several Provincial and National Leadership Conferences.

When asked what his favorite things about Vimy are his response was:

The teachers, the student groups and the athletics.

Zach hopes to continue his education in the Aerospace Engineer field once he has graduated from Vimy.