Register for the Vimy Ringette On-Ice Shadow Day – April 7th, 2022
Vimy Ringette would like to invite any interested student-athletes to attend our On-Ice Shadow Day on April 7th, 2022. This will be a great opportunity to get a feel for the program and see if it is a fit for potential registrants and their families.
As with all of our shadow day opportunities, this event will be free of charge.
Student-athletes can take part in an ice session from 12:30 until 2:40 which will be run by current Vimy Ringette instructors and attended by current Vimy Ringette student-athletes.
After the on-ice portion of the day, student-athletes can be bussed back to Vimy Ridge Academy where they will get a tour of the school from our staff.
If you would like more information on the Vimy Ringette Shadow Day, please contact Vimy Ringette’s Kaitlyn Fenton at kaitlyn.fenton@epsb.ca.