
Vimy Sport Rec is now Vimy Sport Fit!

Vimy Sport Rec is now Vimy Sport Fit!

Over the past year, Sport Rec has transitioned into ​Sport Fit. This reflects the progression into a program that not only exposes student-athletes to a wide variety of sports and activities, but also promotes a healthy and active lifestyle that will help lead to increased activity and fitness levels. By providing student-athletes with the knowledge and experiences of a variety of different sports and activities the program aspires to foster a lifestyle filled with regular physical activity and healthy life choices. Regular physical activity has been shown to improve not only physical fitness and healthy living but also cognitive and social skills as well as mental health. For more information on the benefits of regular physical activity, check out Proof that physical activity improves kids lives

Regular physical activity is just one of the component of the Sport Fit program. With Sport Fit student-athletes participating in variety of activities and sports, they are also exposed to different sets of movements from running, jumping, throwing, and skipping. These movements are the basis of creating students that are proficient in physical literacy. (For more on what Physical Literacy is, please see Physical and Health Education Canada).

In the following article posted on, Dean Kriellaars, an Exercise Physiologist in New Brunswick, outlines the potential hazards and costs that poor Physical Literacy can have on students and the province’s health costs. The article explains how regular exercise can ward of obesity and disease but also provides people with better body awareness. Effects of poor physical literacy in children carry into adulthood

More and more studies are showing that regular physical activity; specifically activity during school years, help in fostering a healthy life. Sport Fit strives to provide students with regular activity and the knowledge of how to lead an active lifestyle.

You may still see some registration documents, website pages or marketing materials that still say Sport Rec, please bear with us as we transition all of these assets to reflect our name change.

For more information on the Sport Fit program, please contact