Sport Fit 10’s First Aid and CPR Certified
The grade 10 sport fit group have just finished getting certified in CPR c and standard first aid through the Canadian Red Cross.
Each year, every one of our grade 10 students has the opportunity to become certified in CPR and standard first aid. This year, our grade 10 have just completed the course through the Red Cross’ e-learning course as well as 3 practical sessions. With this course not only will students learn valuable lifesaving techniques during emergency situations, but the students will also be able to add the certification to their resume for future employment.
During the same time, the grade 11 and 12’s were practicing and learning about sports injuries and management. Over the course of three afternoons, the students were taught about several different types of sports injuries and effective taping and strapping methods to help overcome and recover from injuries.
Vimy Sport Fit is committed to providing training and experiences to our student-athletes that they can use outside of their school time and after graduation. Keep your eyes on the site for more stories on how Vimy Sport Fit student-athletes are “Becoming More.”