Vimy Hockey Winter Forecast

Winter may not start on the Calendar until December 21st, but we in Alberta know that it starts much earlier around here.

Here is a heads-up on some of the things that Hockey student-athletes will be doing before Winter Break:


Powerskating – Our friends from Quantum Speed including Ms. Hettinger and Ms. Miller will be in with the Junior High Hockey students working on their speed, balance and first step; helping Vimy Hockey students get that edge on their competition

Purposeful Movement – This term’s unit is Purposeful Movement and Transition. The term started at the end of October and will go until the end of January. The focus of this unit is:

  • Whenever the player is moving on the ice, there is a reason for it.
  • Understanding where to be and where to be NEXT.
  • Supporting your teammates and the play using positioning


1 on 1’s – During the month of November each student will meet with Teacher/Instructor for individual feedback & evaluation meeting.

Lacrosse – Mr.Rai will be teaching the Vimy Hockey High School students the basics of the game. All sessions will be at the South Side Soccer Centre and are scheduled from 8:45am to 10:15am.

Powerskating – Ms. Hettinger and Ms. Miller will be fine tuning our High School Hockey student-athletes strides and helping them reach their hockey goals.

If you have any questions about anything that is coming up this Winter, feel free to contact your instructor.